Plagued with the same problems all communications providers are currently facing, MCXess now have a competitive edge. They are now able to provide a better service while benefiting from higher ROI and customer acquisition, thanks to the SpeakIntelligence automated webshop widget.
MCXess is a global communications provider delivering a range of online communications solutions that are easy to use and effective. The company has been successfully delivering services from telephone number ordering to telephony applications and contact center capabilities.
The telephony market once boomed, but now phone numbers are a commodity. The market is saturated with providers offering the same services, which have driven profits down substantially. As overheads have continued to rise with inflation, MCXess were left with fewer resources to channel into acquiring new customers, with only one occurring organically each month. Managing churn and customer retention had become an overwhelming focus for the business.MCXess knew they had to expand their product offering to stay competitive, but to do so would mean expanding their team. With already 40 people on board, there was simply no budget for this.
MCXess wanted something that would give them a competitive edge and allow them to continue growing and adapt to the market as it changed around them. They were interested in implementing automation and self-service to give customers more control while providing numbers quicker. After extensive research, SpeakIntelligence was the only company offering a solution across the board.
MCXess have collapsed their entire back office and automated all processes involved with the ordering and delivery of phone numbers to their customers. SpeakIntelligence covers the entire brand, including a dedicated customer contact agent as part of their chosen SpeakIntelligene service package.
“There are minimal people in the team now, but for essential services we have modules such as support, online marketing, and invoicing, which are provided by SpeakIntelligence.”